SCRIPT EA HEDGINGPosted: May 15, 2011 in Expert Advisor 1      Rate ThisIni salah satu contoh coding EA Hedging silahkan dipelajari dan dioprex sesuai dengan sistem teman-teman…#property copyright “Andi Goen”#property link “”extern string email = “”;extern string Pair = “USDJPY”;extern double Lots = 0.1;extern int TakeProfit = 30;extern int StopLoss = 300;extern bool ConstantStop = TRUE;extern int Step1 = 30;extern int TP1 = 30;extern int Step2 = 30;extern int TP2 = 30;extern...

Moving Average

Moving Average Author: MetaQuotesDownload: Moving Average.mq4 (4.6 Kb)EA Moving Average menghasilkan signal perdagangan dengan menggunakan moving average. Membuka dan menutup posisi dilakukan ketika moving average memenuhi harga di bar yang baru terbentuk (indeks bar setara dengan 1). Ukuran lot akan dioptimalkan sesuai dengan algoritma khusus.Money Management yang digunakan sangat sederhana, tetapi efektif, kontrol atas setiap volume posisi dilakukan tergantung pada hasil transaksi sebelumnya. Algoritma ini diimplementasikan oleh fungsi...

Step marty 0.01 namun lot tak terjadi martiyem

ini khusus untuk lot awal = 0.01, walau ada exp = 2, lot selanjutnya tetap samaklu lot awal dimulai 0.02, maka lot marti selanjutnya berjalan semsetinya sesuai dengan perkalian exp nyamasalah :!/page38maaf...

logic tradetime

jumat tidak trading//taro dibagian atasextern bool OPFriday = false; //artinya false = tidak buka posisi baru di hari jumat//replace tradetime dgn yg inibool TradeTime() { bool TradingTime = false; if(StartTime < StopTime) { if (Hour() >= StartTime && Hour() <= StopTime) TradingTime = true; if(OPFriday == false) { if(TradingTime == true) { if(DayOfWeek() == 5) TradingTime = false; } } } else if(StartTime > StopTime) { if (Hour() >= StartTime ||...

slippage works

slippage works when the price moves from the requested entry price.There are 2 types of order execution on mt4 based brokers. Instant execution and Market execution. You can figure out which you have by going to the open order screen in mt4 and look what it says under "Type". Now, typically market execution is for ecn based brokers and instant execution is for MM brokers.With Instant execution, when you see price and press the buy/sell button you are asking the broker to open your order at that price. Also, you can send a sl and tp with the...


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